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From childhood on I have been

interested in photography and

cameras. At the beginning I was

hunting for almost anything which

was possible to photograph. After

a longish period, during which I

used several different cameras I got

an unexpected opportunity to

purchase a Nikon FM. From then on,

I got stuck with the same make.


From motor sport to flowers I was trying to capture the nice and exciting moments. Nature and especially wild animals, were always close to me, so it was not a surprise that I turned more and more in that direction. I always dreamed of exotic wilderness and wild animals. In the beginning of 2000s my dream became true, when I got an opportunity to visit the Kruger National Park in South Africa. It took less than a week to get the "Africa-bug". Since then I am a returnee and every time I enjoy the very special mood and the incredible sightings the African wilderness can offer.


Since 2011 I am a member of the Austrian Nature Photography Association (VTNÖ). My African Wildlife photo collection had been in several exhibitions in Finland, Germany and Hungary. I had received several rankings and highlights since, but as I always try to point out, for me the more important thing is to try to show people how beautiful nature is and try to make them understand how important it is to protect and save it for future generations.

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